Summer News 2018
Summer news: Pony Club and Puppies

Senior Camp:
We are all very grateful to Tom and Katie for allowing us to use Pawston for Camp – fantastic venue! Having all the horses in loose boxes and in a line was lovely; the Granary for sleeping quarters was luxury (no damp feeling from sleeping in tents) and a huge plus from the kids - they could charge their phones! Lovely spacious tack room with plenty of light for cleaning tack. Eating area being semi Al Fresco was just the job, especially with the lovely weather.
The hay field for the Dressage arenas and Show jumps was fabulous. A short hack to get to the field meant the horses had warmed up by the time they had reached it. Similarly, they had cooled off walking back to the stables.
Having the Working Hunter jumps in the park opposite the house gave variety in jumping up and down hills.
Tom’s tour of Flodden was very interesting, and the Kennels’ visit was really informative, and the kids so enjoyed being amongst the hounds in the grass paddock. And as for the puppies…. hopefully they were not too traumatised by the kids rushing in to play with them!
Everything worked so well from our side! THANK YOU!
A Hound's Not for Life, Just for the Summer: Eva and Nicole have had the loveliest time this summer with the CVNNH hound puppies, Guv'nor and Lavish who have been 'walked' at Abbey St Bathans.
It was a great start to the holidays to come across them on day 2.
We've had great fun: taking then for walks round the field when they were too little to go on a proper walk, bribing them with puppy treats to sit nice to get their leads on, exploring the woods, dipping their toes in the river and getting braver each time. It will be a sad day when they go back to the Kennels.
To see photos of Lavish and Guv'nor, go to the Friends page and download the form........and become a Friend of ours?