

Adult Cap Opening Meet onwards£90
Children’s Cap Opening Meet onwards£25
Student’s Cap Opening Meet onwards£45
Season’s Adult Subscription£990
10 Day Subscription£700
5 Day Subscription£400
Children’s Subscription£100
Farmer’s Subscription£800
Next Generation (19-24 years)£300
Next Generation (25-29 years)£600

Friends Subscription                               £65

Subscriptions are due before the Opening Meet. Field Secretary is Fiona Jell

Online payments to:  Barclays: The College Valley And North Northumberland Hunt   Sort Code 20 45 18  Account No. 10502790 (please identify creditor)

We ask subscribers to set up a six month standing order for subscriptions. For standing order mandates and any further information, please contact Rosie Letts Hunt Secretary

All CVNNH Subscribers should be members of the British Hound Sports Association

Any questions, please contact Rosie Letts Hunt Secretary