NNHSC Curry Supper
The North Northumberland Hunt Supporters
Invite You To
A Curry Supper with Bar & Raffle
(alternative to curry available)
On Wednesday 22nd February 2023
At Etal Village Hall
7.00pm prompt
Guest Speaker Kate Mactaggart
“My Race Across 1,000km of the
Mongolian Steppe on Semi-Feral Ponies”
Tickets £22.00
Including a Charitable Donation to “My Name’s Doddie Foundation”
Please apply by Friday 17th February latest to:
Fiona Jell Tel: 01668 216292
Or e-mail: jell.couplandcastle@outlook.com
Payment by BACS please (Ref: Supper)
Account: North Northumberland Hunt Supporters Club
Account No: 00648715 Sort Code: 12-12-57