CVHSC St Gregory’s Ride

College Valley Supporter St Gregory’s Ride 2020: St-Gregorys-2020

10 Mile Fun/Pleasure ride in the foothills of the Cheviots with stunning views.

***St Gregory’s Ride update***
Based on the guidance outlined below pre entry and payment is mandatory, please enter by emailing or texting names of attendees and contact details to George : /07801 245064, I will provide entry confirmation and payment details for you by return
Government Guidance for the public on the phased return of outdoor sport and recreation in England
Horse riding

You can ride a horse, providing that you are alone, with members of your own household or with no more than 5 other people from a different household. Two households can also meet in groups of more than 6 people, provided members of different households can follow social distancing guidelines. You should observe social distancing where possible when encountering other riders or the public.

Additionally we have received the following Guidance regarding Pleasure Rides

Entries and Pre event Communications – all pre-event information, communications, entries and payments should be done online, remotely or via post. 
It should be clearly communicated to all those intending to attend an event or activity that anyone showing any signs of Covid-19 symptoms should be self-isolating and must not attend the event. 
Travel –  Participants should travel to the event in a vehicle only with members of their own household. 
Parking – for equestrian activities, horse boxes should be parked at a minimum distance of 10m apart. Cars should be parked as appropriate to allow for continued social distancing. 
Supporters and Spectators – supporter and spectator numbers should be restricted at events. Those people who are not participating or are not directly involved with a participant (eg. Groom, Driver, Owner, Parent) should not be allowed to attend. 
Children – As per the Government Guidelines, if children are in attendance, parents (or a responsible adult) are “responsible for supervising them at all times and in line with social distancing guidelines. Children are not always good at hand hygiene; the virus can be spread by touching contaminated surfaces. Therefore, pay special attention to children’s hand hygiene.” 
Event information
Refreshment stand will be present and strict social distancing and hygiene measures will be employed
Disclaimer – By attending St Gregory’s Ride, the attendees acknowledge and agree that although the College Valley Supporters have taken every precaution and followed Government Guidance, it is impossible to eliminate all risk and there remains the potential for unintended transmission of COVID-19. All those attending must play their part in minimising the risk to themselves and others by complying with the Government Guidelines as well as any on site instructions and signage. The College Valley Supporters have the right to refuse entry or request departure from the event should there be any breach of the Covid-19 protocols put in place.