
Sarah Farnsworth Photography


Welcome to the College Valley and North Northumberland Hunt (CVNNH) website. Meeting twice a week on Tuesdays and Saturdays from September to early March, the CVNNH is a celebrated pack of foxhounds which was formed in 1982 when the College Valley Hunt amalgamated with the North Northumberland Hunt.

We hunt within the laws of both England and Scotland across an area which stretches from Holy Island in the very North East of Northumberland, taking in the Cheviot Hills, up to the Bowmont Valley and Hownam in the Scottish Borders.

Our hunting country is diverse and rural, encompassing rolling grass and woodland in the low country as well as the fabulous white grass of the hills. We have excellent relationships with local farmers and businesses while we also endeavour to provide a focus for local community activities and fund raising.

We are particularly pleased to welcome Newcomers to hunting who can come out with us for the first time by arrangement for no charge.

We welcome followers throughout the season on horses, in cars or on foot, although we do ask that anyone new wishing to join us obtains permission from the Hunt Secretary in advance.

To find out more about hunting with us, please look at the various sections of this website or simply contact the Hunt Secretary or fill in the enquiry form in the Contact Us section.

Event Information:

  • Sun

    CVS East March Ride

    10am - 12.30am startPawston, Mindrum, TD12 4QR

    Please click for advert: East March 20

    Pleasure/fun ride in the foothills of the Cheviot’s with spectacular scenery

    Part of the 10 mile route follows the national Border Line and the ancient East /Mid March boundary

    Sunday 23rd August 10.00-12.30

    Starting near Pawston, Mindrum TD12 4QR
    Due to current guidelines entries will require Pre Registration and prepayment

    £20pp, concessions for under 16, Refreshments available

    For entries and further information email: collegevalleyrides@gmail,com Prepayment Details CVHSC, Sort Code 20-58-17, Account No 10249009.

    Based on the guidance outlined below pre entry and pre payment is mandatory, please enter by emailing names of attendees and mobile contact numbers to: collegevalleyrides@gmail.com

    Payment details for bank transfer are: College Valley Hunt Supporters Club (CVHSC), Sort Code 20-58-17, Account No 10249009
    By applying for entry you are accepting Disclaimers listed in the following message:
    Government Guidance for the public on the phased return of outdoor sport and recreation in England: Horse Riding

    You can ride a horse, providing that you are alone, with members of your own household or with up to, but no more than 5 other people from outside your household.  You should observe social distancing where possible when encountering other riders or the public.

    Additionally we have received the following Guidance regarding Pleasure Rides

    Entries and Pre event Communications – all pre-event information, communications, entries and payments should be done online to avoid potential contact on the day.

    It should be clearly communicated to all those intending to attend an event or activity that anyone showing any signs of Covid-19 symptoms should be self-isolating and must not attend the event.

    Travel – Participants should travel to the event in a vehicle only with members of their own household.

    Parking – for equestrian activities, horse boxes should be parked at a minimum distance of 10m apart. Cars should be parked as appropriate to allow for continued social distancing.

    Supporters and Spectators – supporter and spectator numbers should be restricted at events. Those people who are not participating or are not directly involved with a participant (eg. Groom, Driver, Owner, Parent) should not be allowed to attend.

    Children - As per the Government Guidelines, if children are in attendance, parents (or a responsible adult) are “responsible for supervising them at all times and in line with social distancing guidelines. Children are not always good at hand hygiene; the virus can be spread by touching contaminated surfaces. Therefore, pay special attention to children’s hand hygiene.”

    Event information -Refreshment stand will be present and strict social distancing and hygiene measures will be employed

    Disclaimer - By attending the East March Ride, the attendees acknowledge and agree that although the College Valley Supporters have taken every precaution and followed Government Guidance, it is impossible to eliminate all risk and there remains the potential for unintended transmission of COVID-19. All those attending must play their part in minimising the risk to themselves and others by complying with the Government Guidelines as well as any on site instructions and signage. The College Valley Supporters have the right to refuse entry or request departure from the event should there be any breach of the Covid-19 protocols put in place.

    Additionally: Whilst every care has been taken by the organising committee and relevant landowners in facilitating this event, the committee and landowners will not be responsible for any injury to any person or animal taking part in any way whatsoever in the event. Nor liable for damage resulting from acts or commissions of any of the participants or spectators.
    It is the responsibility of those taking part, or their legal guardian in the case of minors, to ensure participants have appropriate and adequate insurance cover for personal injury and third party liability cover and that they take all reasonable steps to ensure their safe participation in this event
    Riders are advised to ensure that both they and their mount are both suitable and competent and that riders wear the appropriate protective clothing including headgear.



Please keep looking on the website and on the CVNNH Facebook page for our forthcoming events. If you would like to be notified of future event dates please contact the Hunt Secretary who will add you to the regular update list. 

Take care and stay safe.  Thank you.
Visit our Events Page