Grand National Lunch 13th April 2024

Where better to watch the big race from Aintree than over a delicious lunch in the Cuddystone Hall? This was well-attended event and, despite the logistical challenges, the organisers pulled off a superb day with live coverage of the race and everyone entered a draw for the winning horse.

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Hunt Breakfast Cuddystone Hall 2nd March 2024

The CV Hunt Supporters put on a fantastic cooked breakfast in the Cuddystone Hall in the College Valley. This was a great gathering of people from across the wider hunting community, many of whom then joined in a day’s trail hunting in one of England’s most spectacular locations.

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Andrew Osborne talk at Pallinsburn 12th January 2024

Andrew Osborne gave a fascinating talk about his epic 3,000 mile solo row across the Atlantic in memory of his daughter Amy. The Amy Osborne Fund raises funds for helping to idenfiy cardiac risk in the young. A fine dinner preceeded the talk and then Andrew answered questions from the audience.

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Carols Evening 21st December 2023

A carols evening was held at St Gregory’s Church Kirknewton with carols, readings and a few Christmas songs from the CVNNH choir. Mulled wine and mince pies helped the congregation singing after the interval. The evening was hosted by George Farr and the Rev Canon Brian Hurst led prayers.

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